Wednesday 15 April 2020


                                                                                      MY MOTHER     
                                                                                                                                                    ----BY APJ ABDUL KALAM

                                                              Sea waves ,Golden Sands pilgrims faith
                                                       Rameshwaram Mosque Street, all merge into one,
                                                       My mother !
                                                       You come to me like Heaven's caring arm
                                                       I remember the war days when life was challenge and toil ---
                                                       Miles to walk , hour before sunrise,
                                                             Walking to take lessons from the saintly teachers near the temple .
                                                      Again miles to the Arab teaching School
                                                      Climb Sandy Hills to Railway stand road
                                                      Collect distribute newspaper to temple city citizens
                                                      Few hours after sunrise going to school
                                                      Evening business times before I study at night
                                                      All the pain of the young boy
                                                      My mother you transformed into pious strength
                                                      With; kneeling and bowing five times ; 
                                                       For the grace of the almighty only my mother
                                                     Your strong piety is your children's strength, 
                                                      You always shared your best with; whoever needed the most ,
                                                     You always gave and game with faith in Him.
                                                      I still remember the day when I was Ten.
                                                     Sleeping on your lap to the envy of my elder brothers and sisters 
                                                     It was full moon night my world only you knew
                                                     Mother ! My mother !
                                                    Oven at midnight I woke with tears falling on my knee
                                                     You knew the pain of your child my mother 
                                                            You caring hands tenderly removing the pain
                                                             Your love your care your faith give me strength
                                                            To face the world without fears and with his strength .
                                                            We will meet again on the great Judgement Day my mother ! 
                                                                                                          ----- by APJ KALAM

                                                       Dr. Abdul Kalam, was very closely bonded with his family,
                                                  especially his mother. Hailing from a very poor family,
                                                   his mother made many sacrifices to raise the children.
                                                 Hence Kalam has written poems depicting his mother's pains at many times.
                                                 In this particular poem he describes as to how loved he is to his mother, 
                                                 than his rest of brothers and sisters, who envy him for being loved more. 
                                                He says he was only 10 years old and he remembers very clearly how she wept in the night,
                                                 grieving about the pains his son has to endure everyday.
                                                Only his mother understood the beautiful world of the poet,
                                                 which he weaved around himself, and only she knew his pains.
                                      And he was consoled only in the lap of her mother,
                                      when she moved her caring hands on his head, 
                                      all his pains were washed away.

His mother gave him constant hope and strength in times of need and she was the only source of encouragement to him     
The author remembers that all that he is today is because of his mother, 
for the courage and perseverance that he possesses has been bestowed on him only by his mother.
 And finally the author hopes that he meets his dead mother once again on the great Judgement day.  
                      ---------- SUMMARY BY RITURAJ SINGH


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  1. Education Is My Aim: My Mother Full Poem By Apj Abdul Kalam And Summary........... >>>>> Download Now

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    Education Is My Aim: My Mother Full Poem By Apj Abdul Kalam And Summary........... >>>>> Download Full

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